THULE th6011 Ranger90
- blockquote=packege
- GB Foldable roof box made of water proof material
- DE Faltbare Dachbox aus wasserdichtem Material
- FR Sac de transport pliable, fortement résistant aL'eau
- ES Bolsa muy resistente al aua, puede doblarese y guardarse
- blockquote=THULE.Australia
- Foldable for easy transport and for requiring a minimum of storage space. Simply place it in the boot of the car, in the garage or even in a wardrobe.
- A quick-mounting system that makes the foldable box an equally safe alternative as the hardshell boxes.
- Made of waterproof material, with welded seams and a sealed zipper, for keeping dirt and water out and the load protected.
- A practical bag for storing the rolled-up box is included.
- tanigawaya=comment
- 使わない時には折りたたんでゴルフバッグより少し小さいくらいのコンパクトな大きさになるソフトルーフボックスです。
- 自宅マンションに帰ってきた時に駐車場でサッと取り外して高さを低くした状態にする必要がある方にご利用いただいています。
- このアタッチメントはスクエアバー・アルミエアロバー・ウィングバーに装着が可能です。
- It is a soft roof box to become a compact size much smaller than a little golf bag by folding when not in use.
We use our for those who need to be placed in a state in which it is to lower the height by removing it quickly in the parking lot when I came back home to the apartment.